Trust The Columbia Area's Skilled Residential Lawn Care Crew
Affinity Landscaping is the preferred provider of residential lawn care and landscaping maintenance in the Columbia area, with residential lawn care specialists trained in the care of local turfs, plants, and trees. We provide courteous, reliable commercial lawn care and residential lawn care services and our results earn the highest ratings in quality landscaping for Columbia and the surrounding area.
Our pricing for individual residential lawn care services is competitive with all providers and our work is always top quality with attention-to-detail that rivals the professional greenskeepers of the PGA. Affordable prices, superior service, amazing results, why would you DIY or trust anyone else with your residential lawn care and landscaping needs when Affinity Landscaping can do it all for you.
Affinity Landscaping is the most-trusted name in residential lawn care for Columbia homeowners who demand the highest quality service at affordable prices. Affinity Landscaping is happy to help with all of your lawn care needs with a suite of professionally executed services, including:

Keeping your lawn mowed and at the proper height is essential in keeping your lawn alive, healthy, and thriving throughout the seasons. A freshly mowed lawn also immediately improves curb appeal which in turn, boosts property values. Regularly scheduled mowing adapted to the weather and seasons keeps your turf healthy, green, and growing, and allows our lawn care professionals to properly assess any potential future problems or threats to your lawn and take steps to avert lawn damage. You can trust the turf doctors of Affinity Landscaping to keep your lawn well manicured and at the height of its health to keep your property's curb appeal maxed out and keep those property values on the rise.
Some homeowners prefer to blow cut grass back onto their lawns to assist in fertilization, while others prefer every cut blade grass to be blown off of their property for the pinnacle of pristine appearance. Our lawn care pros will meticulously follow your instructions and make sure all of your paved areas are clear and not left with lawn debris littering them. Our commercial grade blowers are powerful enough to clear years of built up dust and dirt and our professionals can make all of your outdoor spaces look brand new again. You can trust Affinity Landscaping to tend to every aspect of your outdoor areas and keep them looking their best.

Edging is an often overlooked aspect of lawn maintenance that makes a surprisingly noticeable difference in "before and after" pictures and takes curb appeal up a notch or two. Defining the borders of your lawn with tailored, linear perfection makes your lawn pop like an expensive frame around a masterpiece. Edging requires the kind of attention-to-detail that many landscaping contractors don't care to exercise, but Affinity Landscaping takes special pride in providing the best edging service in the Columbia region. We strive for straight-edged perfection, sharp-angled definition, and manicured curves like waves frozen in motion. Edging is an art that frames your lawn and landscaping features like the perfect frame on a famous work of art, and you can trust Affinity Landscaping to take the ultimate care of your masterpiece.
Trimming Shrubs
Shrubs, bushes, and plants need regular and seasonal trimming, pruning, and shaping to maintain their health, just as turf needs regular mowing. Plus, similar to edging, shrubs and bushes often define property edges and landscaping features like a frame around art, and unkempt shrubs detract from your curb appeal picture. Untamed shrubs and bushes give residential properties an uncared-for, ramshackle look that gives a negative visual impression. Regular trimming of shrubs keeps your outdoor spaces consistently beautiful, increases pride-of-ownership, and boosts curb appeal. You can trust Affinity Landscaping to make every inch of your outdoor spaces match your vision of your property's ideal visual presentation.
Limbing Trees
Trimming and pruning tree limbs may seem like an easy enough DIY project, but certain species of trees can be adversely affected and end up dying from excessive limb removal. Our experienced landscaping professionals are skilled in safe, healthy limb removal with special expertise on locally common tree species. Limbing trees is tricky regarding the health of the tree and also dangerous for DIYers, so why take the risks. Affinity Landscaping offers affordable, safe, professional tree limb removal, so call today to discuss how we can help tame and preserve your trees.
Laying Pine Straw
Pine straw is a popular landscaping filler material because its rich, brown tones make green plants and colorful flowers stand out. If you're interested in using pine straw for filling your beds and planted areas, Affinity Landscaping has great prices and are pros at laying pine straw. It's a versatile filler for plant beds and bordered features because it allows for flow-through of water for irrigation. And once pine straw settles and has been wet, it conforms to the underlying terrain for a natural, but streamlined look that compliments the canvas of your property's landscape.
Like pine straw, mulch is a popular choice for filling groundspace in beds and bordered planting areas, and comes in many material and color options. Mulch adds contrast and background for visual appeal and is an excellent opportunity for creative landscaping self-expression. But keep in mind, unlike natural pine straw, all mulch is not created equally and some mulch contains chemicals that can leech into the ground and possibly harm your plants. It's best to trust an experienced professional when mulching for that reason and when seeking fertilizing, plant maintenance or other mulch applications and benefits. Affinity Landscaping has the experience and local knowledge to help you get the most out of your mulch.
Grading is another of those landscaping challenges that seems possibly DIYable, but in reality is a nightmare without the right tools and skills. We've got the right tools, skills, and a consistent record of grading success and happy clients. We pledge to do our level best to achieve perfectly flat, precisely angled, or artfully curved surfaces that will enhance your outdoor spaces and impress your neighbors and friends. Our grading skills are A+ and come with an affordable price tag, so call Affinity Landscaping for all of your grading projects for high level precision and perfect plains.
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