Affinity Landscaping: Lexington's Premier In Landscaping Services
First settled by King George in 1735, the South Carolina midlands originally served as a buffer between Native American tribes to the west and the colonial plantations of the low country. Lexington was incorporated as a town in 1861, so history runs deep here, like our commitment to landscaping excellence and creating a history of satisfied customers runs deep, and shapes our philosophy of service.
Lexington boasts over twenty structures on the National Register of Historic Places, but the most-alluring Lexington lawns and landscaping installations are created and maintained by Affinity Landscaping. Each Affinity Landscaping residential and commercial lawn or landscape in Lexington is the result of hard work, knowledge, innovation, and dependable maintenance. We're the trustworthy, affordable solution to all of your lawn and landscaping worries, with a complete suite of top-rated services including sprinkler repair & installation, commercial and residential turf and landscaping maintenance, and complete landscape design and installation.
Affinity Landscaping is Lexington's most-trusted, complete all-in-one landscaping solution with affordable, reliable services for your every need.

Lexington's Local Lawn Care Leader
There are huge corporate lawn care contractors out there, you've probably seen their trucks, but local experts with a lifetime of familiarity with Lexington flora and fauna, like Herbie Jeffcoat, owner of Affinity Landscaping, offer regional knowledge a national corporation just can't match. Choosing an established local lawn care company not only supports community businesses, it also provides a locals-only wisdom especially useful in the care of regional turfs, plants, and trees.
Choosing local businesses when possible is always a good idea, and when choosing local, start with the leader. Affinity Landscaping is the local lawn care leader in Lexington, and is owned by a lifetime area resident with pride in his community and a desire to make its outdoor spaces beautiful and perfect.
Lawn Maintenance Tailored To Lexington's Needs
Maybe you're one of those folks, like us, that loves the smell of fresh cut grass and appreciates the sunshine, clean air, and exercise involved in mowing the lawn. If so, we understand the appeal, but if fresh cut grass makes you sneeze, if you believe DIY should stand for "don't injure yourself," or if you don't have the time, energy, or interest for mowing, blowing, and edging, Affinity Landscaping is an affordable alternative.
Our team of local experts is skilled at identifying types of turf and the best care and maintenance methods for that turf in seasonal weather conditions. We'll tailor your lawn maintenance schedule to fit the seasons, the changing weather, and above all, your individual needs, to provide you with service excellence you can trust.

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Lawn Care Articles & Tips
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Changing your yard with professional landscaping is just the beginning. Enhancing it with quality lighting is a way to improve the aesthetics and make it come alive at night. It's possible to creat […]
Creating Kid Friendly Yards
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